
These are some of the people who have been documented attending VDARE's conferences or work directly for VDARE. Unlike collaborators they are not from Berkeley Springs WV and come from the outside to influence of lovely town with their hate.

Photos of extremists in Berkeley Springs WV have been sent to us from anonymous tipsters in the community. If you can identify anyone unlabeled in the photos on this page please contact us at [email protected] and let us know who they are. Together we keep us safe!

Table of Contents

  1. Staff
    1. Peter Brimelow
    2. Lydia Brimelow
    3. James Scott
    4. John Derbyshire
    5. Kevin DeAnna
  2. Shell Companies
    1. Berkeley Castle Foundation (BCF) Inc
    2. BBB, LLC
    3. Bath Christmas Project
    4. Hunter Clark
    5. Denise Trent Selby
  3. Conferences
    1. Warren Balogh
    2. Emily Youcis


Peter Brimelow

Peter Brimelow has a long and rich history of courting hate speech while pretending he has nothing to do with the racism he himself promotes. His anti-immigration political stance can only been described as an oxymoron as he is a immigrant from the United Kingdom by way of Canada a country who rejected Peter and his what he stands for.

Peter will often post on social media his true feelings about blacks, Jews, women and gay people. Or as Peter says "groups systematically more emotional, irrational than white men, hence the constant hysteria." Peter clearly seeks to exclude and harm others with his white nationalist view points.

Lydia Brimelow

Lydia is the current Editor of the VDARE Website. Lydia officially started publishing in 2014, however there is evidence she posted as “Athena Kerry” from 2005 – 2014. Tax documents list her as a business partner in 2008. She married the founder Peter in 2007. Maiden name Sullivan, Lydia was 22 and Peter 59 on their wedding night. Lydia was raised by a conservative family in Texas.

Lydia self-identifies as a “Castle Nationalist”. She said in a 2022 interview that “Diversity is a weakness”. Lydia has seemingly taken over several aspects of the personal and professional business of the Brimelows – she is the sole owner/operator of several of THEIR PRECARIOUSLY OWNED properties. New York State is currently investigating Lydia's assets and how they have been managed within the context of non-profit and personal use. The AG of NY writes in People vs VDARE “...Respondent's founder and director, and his wife, Lydia Brimelow, also a director, used and continue to use a $1.4 million charitable asset as their personal residence.” It continues “...the lease is between Lydia Brimelow and BBB, LLC, a West-Virginia for-profit corporation she manages, and Lydia Brimelow signed the document as both landlord and tenant.”

James Scott

James Scott is known in the cyber-security world as con-man and fraud. James Scott himself put our nation's cyber-security at risk as he passed himself off as a professional by using fake credentials. At one point he even was able to lie his way into giving cyber-security advice to the NSA, FBI, and White House.

Currently James works with Peter and Lydia at VDARE as their "Lead Developer" a fitting end to a career for someone who only knows how to lie and cheat their way through life.

John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire is yet another America hating British immigrant who opposes American values and has dedicated his life to pushing his political ideology onto us. John is a radical extremist who has stated multiple times that if he was in power he would "bomb American schools and sow salt in the rubble." He is also a vocal opponent of women suffrage.

John used to work for the National Review however he lost his job after writing a series of racist diatribes such as: "If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date" or suggesting that "white and East Asian parents should talk to their children about the threats posed to their safety by black people." After losing his job at the National Review John went onto working for VDARE as the host of their Podcast. A fitting end to a career of a man who was so racist he couldn't even hold down a job at the National Review, a very far-right publication.

Kevin DeAnna

Kevin DeAnna aka James Kirkpatrick aka Gregory Hood is a man of many names and fake identities. For VDARE he uses his fake name "James Kirkpatrick" for his contributions. In 2014 Kevin was documented to be hanging out with Craig Fraser the prior head of National Action, the first group to be banned by the U.K. Home Office's 2000 Terrorism Act. Kevin DeAanna is an outspoken proponent of "a number of strategies working at once" implying that the white nationalist and neo-nazi movements require both civil and overt approaches to recruit as many groups of interest as possible. VDARE itself embodies this principle as it seeks to be seen as a civil group while hosting events with and for people who promote domestic terrorism such as hanging all "N------, k----, and F------," even financially backing such people and rhetoric. In the modern age this has come to be known stochastic terrorism the practice of recruiting members of the public to commit kinetic actions on their behalf while maintaining the plausible deniability of involvement and loss of one's "civil reputation."

This is so that people who are not openly as identifying as fascists, white nationalists, or other hate groups do not have to worry about their reputation in the public eye when associating with groups such as VDARE and their affiliates.

While Kevin goes by many names a lot of his work can be tied directly back to the Tanton Network, including his job as a writer for The Social Contract a journal run by the anti-immigration and eugenicist John Tanton. Kevin DeAnna would go to help write some of the founding papers of the "alt-right" including "A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans."

Shell Companies

In order to mask VDARE's activities, Peter and Lydia Brimelow have created and adopted several "shell" companies to protect VDARE from legal liability and obscure their finances. This is in part to protect VDARE and its assets from any potential legal repercussions that would arise from their various illegal and fraudulent activities.

Berkeley Castle Foundation

On July 21st 2020 Lydia Brimelow incorporated the Berkeley Castle Foundation (BCF) in Morgan County West Virginia. According to the County Property Tax Records the Castle property was promptly transferred on December 29th of 2020 from the VDARE Foundation, who bought it for $1,400,000.00 purchase, to the newly created Berkeley Castle Foundation. Berkeley Castle Foundation did not have enough money to pay for the Castle from VDARE so according to the IRS Form 990 filed by Lydia and Peter Brimelow the money was "loaned" to the Berkeley Castle Foundation. With Lydia signing herself as both the tenant and landlord. It is theorized by many this this transfer was to protect VDARE from losing its new headquarters if the group ran into any legal trouble.

According to the IRS Form 990 filings by Lydia and Peter Brimelow the Berkeley Castle Foundation runs at a substantial loss. Including a $140,000.00 yearly payment to both Peter and Lydia for working "22 hours per week" on average, BCF reports their "net assets" to be $-171,990.00 at the end of 2022. This is a much greater loss than was reported in 2021 where BCF reported $-97,517.00 at the end of their tax year. With losses nearing $100,000 a year it raises the question how BCF can afford to pay both Peter and Lydia Brimelow $160,000.00 for a mere 22 hours of weekly work. Or how long can the BCF continue to operate while hemorrhaging so much money. Other employees were reported to be paid $0.00 for their work, including their Secretary and Grounds Keeper Denise Trent Shelby.

According to the liability statement on the IRS Form 990 above it would appear that BCF has $1,392,569 in liabilities a number very close to the price the castle was purchased for. This implies that BCF is currently paying back VDARE for its 1.4 million dollar loan, meaning any money given to the BCF will be paid either to the Brimelows for their "22 hours of weekly work" or VDARE to pay back their 1.4 million dollars.


On July 21st 2020 Lydia Brimelow incorporated BBB, LLC. This was on the same day that she also created the Berkeley Castle Foundation. Not much is known about the operation of BBB, LLC however we do know due to public Property Tax Records in Morgan County West Virginia that the remainder of the property purchased by the non-profit VDARE was transferred to this for-profit LLC. On the surface this appears to be a way for Lydia and Peter Brimelow to profit directly from purchases made from their non-profit VDARE Inc by tax-deductible donations.

Bath Christmas Project

The Bath Christmas Project has been working directly with Lydia Brimelow going as far as making her a board member and the head of fundraising. The Bath Christmas Project is well known for lying about their relationship to their donors and trying to link them to Lydia Brimelow by putting them on their Angel Awards in an attempt to launder their creditably.

Hunter Clark

Hunter Clark is the founder of the Bath Christmas Project and has a long and rich history with Christian Nationalism in Berkeley Springs WV. He was one of the first people in Berkeley Springs West Virginia to make contact and befriend the Brimelows. Before the Brimelows he would often try to erode the separation of church and state by way of the "Bath Christmas Project" which tries to bring Christmas to our public schools and government facilities. Since the Brimelows have moved to our quiet town Hunter has taken it upon himself to recruit Lydia Brimelow, a violent white nationalist, to sit on the board of the Bath Christmas Project.

He can often be found around town yelling at people and raising his voice in anger if anyone dares to talk about VDARE and their strong ties to white nationalism. He will often say Peter and Lydia are just "misunderstood" and are the victims of "slander" from the "left-wing" media trying to tarnish their "good name."

Denise Trent Selby

Denis Selby is a fervent supporter of VDARE. She is officially listed as an officer of the Berkeley Castle Foundation (BCF) according to their 2022 filing of the Foundation's 990. She serves as the Secretary for the BCF and volunteers many hours a week as a groundskeeper of the Castle. Additionally she is so committed to the Brimelows that she also works with the Bath Christmas Project. She can often be found as an orbiter of VDARE trying to obtain as much perceived power as she can.

She is also a huge fan of Marjorie Taylor Greene and homage videos of herself emulating Marjorie on her Facebook account. When asked about her connections with VDARE she will often use anti-LGBT slurs as common language to defend her position. Many people in town have also reported her openly promoting Q Anon conspiracy theories and becoming angry when getting any push back.

Conference: Uncancelled 2024

White nationalists Warren Balogh the co-founder of the extremist group National Justice Party and his wife Emily Youcis sitting in front of the Country Inn of Berkeley Springs West Virginia

Warren Balogh

Warren Balough is the husband of Emily Youcis and well known white nationalist. Warren is the of the co-founder of the extremist group National Justice Party. He was supposed to speak at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville VA, but was unable to when the rally was canceled due to violence. When the rally was canceled Warren sued the state of Virginia. Warren went on to call the rally “one of the most important political events of the last few decades.” An event where people marched openly carrying Nazi flags.

Emily Youcis

Emily Youcis is the wife of Warren Balough, an outspoken white supremacist and failed peanut sales person for the Philadelphia Phillys. For those who came to watch baseball they found her shtick annoying. In her own words she was fired "because her white nationalist views did not reflect her now former employer’s values."

Emily will often post extremist content about killing all "n------, k----, and f------" online such as:

Yes, that's why I think we should have a multitude of strategies, from normie-friendly American Nationalism to 'Hang all Ni****s*, Kikes and Fa****s.' Each strategy can exist and function on its own, and if we have a multi-sided attack, it will not only reach a broader audience, but will make the movement more decenteralized and less vulnerable to attacks.

She specifically seems obsessed with antisemitic/anti-Jewish hate: